, inc of San Francisco, California, USA has been acquired by NVIDIA Corporation of Santa Clara, California, USA on July 2024

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Frequently Asked Questions About Brev Cost Optimizer Tool

What is Brev Cost Optimizer Tool?

Brev Cost Optimizer Tool is a tool that automatically manages your instances to save money by autostopping, cleverly snapshotting volumes, wrapping SSH and allowing you to easily scale between hardware.

How do I use Brev Cost Optimizer Tool?

using the tool is as easy as installing the Brev CLI. It's the quickest way to get started. see The Setup Instructions section for more details.

How do I install Brev Cost Optimizer Tool?

using the tool is as easy as installing the Brev CLI. It's the quickest way to get started. see The Setup Instructions section for more details.

Why isn't my instance autostopping? / My instance is autostopping too much!

The cost optimization tool works by analyzing your ssh traffic to detect when you are using your instance. If you are not using your instance, it will autostop. If you are using your instance, it will not autostop. Sometimes we get this wrong and we are working on improving it. If you think we are getting it wrong, please let us know!

Find us on Discord, Twitter or send us a text at (415) 237-2247

How long does it take for an instance to autostop after I stop using it?

When you first install the cost optimization tool, it will take 100 minutes to analyze your ssh traffic and determine when you are using your instance. After that, it will autostop your instance after 60 minutes of inactivity. If the instance was inactive for the first 100 minutes, it will autostop at the 100 minute mark.

How do i know if my installation was successful?


sudo systemctl status brevmon.service

if you see this output, you are good to go!

● brevmon.service - brevmon
     Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/brevmon.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-10-20 17:09:48 UTC; 1h 9min ago
   Main PID: 3575 (brevmon)
      Tasks: 9 (limit: 9401)
     Memory: 12.4M
     CGroup: /system.slice/brevmon.service
             └─3575 /usr/local/bin/brevmon

Oct 20 17:59:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 5:59PM DBG home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:231 > packet count: 0 name=ssh
Oct 20 17:59:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 5:59PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:232 > [] name=ssh
Oct 20 17:59:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 5:59PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:233 > WasTraffic=false && PacketCount=0 > D>
Oct 20 17:59:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 5:59PM DBG home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:239 > get=false name=ssh
Oct 20 17:59:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 5:59PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:122 > NO traffic detected since last window>
Oct 20 18:09:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 6:09PM DBG home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:231 > packet count: 0 name=ssh
Oct 20 18:09:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 6:09PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:232 > [] name=ssh
Oct 20 18:09:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 6:09PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:233 > WasTraffic=false && PacketCount=0 > D>
Oct 20 18:09:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 6:09PM DBG home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:239 > get=false name=ssh
Oct 20 18:09:49 ip-172-31-20-105 brevmon[3575]: 6:09PM TRC home/ubuntu/brevmon/internal/traffic/traffic.go:122 > NO traffic detected since last window>
lines 1-19/19 (END)

How do uninstall or remove Brev Cost Optimizer Tool?

Run the following:

sudo systemctl stop brevmon.service
sudo systemctl disable brevmon.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/brevmon.service
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/brevmon
sudo systemctl daemon-reload